Monday, June 22, 2009

Zombieland and Woody Harrelson Love

I'm not even going to pretend that this trailer doesn't give me a big 'ol zombie-lovin' movie-goin' boner.

Zombies are awesome. If you disagree, then you are not awesome. I mean, you are allowed to have your opinion, but you're also allowed to be really fucking wrong.

Funny how that works, ennit?

But fact is, even if you're a complete douchecanoe and don't love zombies, you still pretty much have to be looking forward to this movie. Why? 'Cause it not only has zombies, but it has Bill Murray as a zombie. Now, am I the only one currently replaying the movie "What About Bob?" with an alternate ending in which Bill Murray, y'know...eats Richard Dreyfuss' brains?

I am?

Okay, whatever. Be lame. I'll be living it up with Zombie Bob.

Heh. Anyway.

So, another reason this movie looks freakin' sweet is 'cause Woody Harrelson stars as a zombie killer named Tallahassee. And he wears a cowboy hat. And he's Woody Harrelson. See, I've had a creeper crush on Harrelson ever since "Natural Born Killers".

"Natural Born Killers" was pretty much the first film to truly take advantage of Harrelson's best feature: his crazymotherfucker eyes.

Honestly, look into them baby blues and tell me you don't feel a chill up your spine. Dude already looked fucking psychotic, Oliver Stone's bloody masterpiece of a film just brought it to life when he cast him as Mickey Knox, America's favorite white trash serial killer.

If you haven't seen "Natural Born Killers", watch it. Now. Stop reading this blog, and fucking watch it.

It has Juliette Lewis as Mallory Knox, crazy bitch extraordinairre.

It also has Robert Downey, Jr. as a smarmy media personality with an Australian accent.

And it has a brief but significant cameo from Rodney Dangerfield.

Shit. Talk about crazymotherfucker eyes.

Okay, okay, so I've only just seen the trailer for "Zombieland". I've (surprisingly) never heard anything about it before today, and I'm probably blowing my uber-fan load way too early on this one.

Many films have a sad and annoying habit of having awesome trailers and sucking when you watch the whole thing. It's like the movie advertisers take all the best bits from the movie and edit it into three minutes or less of awesomeness, therefore luring an unsuspecting public into wasting their money on one epic fail of a flick.

Fucking letdown.

But, hey, my spirit hasn't been completely broken by the film industry quite yet, so I think I'll give this one a chance. It looks funny. It looks pseudo-gruesome. I'm psyched.

And if it turns out to be a shitstorm of letdown, then I'll just rent "28 Days Later" and cry a little.

Fuck. Tell me that man does not look like a killer.


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